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August 2024

SiFive - August 28, 2024

RISC-V World Tour; Munich, Hangzhou, Santa Clara and Russia??

I was fortunate enough to attend the RISC-V China Summit in Hangzhou in August. As a premium sponsor, SiFive had a large presence at the show with a booth in the exhibition hall and several executive presentations. The inspiration for writing this blog was when a great friend of mine asked me to compare and contrast this event with other recent RISC-V events held in North America and Europe. My high-level response was;


SiFive - August 14, 2024

面向数据中心的 RISC-V:P870-D 介绍

性能最高的 P870-D 适用受益于并行性的数据中心应用程序,包括存储、Web 服务器和视频流

多家分析机构已对高价值市场细分领域的市场份额增长进行估算,其中包括 Omdia(见下图)。SiFive 已经展现出强劲的势头,其中基础设施/数据中心的市场潜能尤其令人兴奋。


SiFive - August 12, 2024

What’s Coming Up Next for SiFive

SiFive has a global footprint, working with the world's largest semiconductor manufacturers, automakers, global hyperscale data centers, and consumer device companies. It’s no surprise then that we’re frequently at industry shows and events around the globe. We recently participated in shows across Asia, Europe, and the U.S., and we’re off to RISC-V Summit China next. Read on to learn more about our latest activities and what’s ahead.
