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January 2020

SiFive - January 30, 2020

Part 3: High-Bandwidth Accelerator Access to Memory: Enabling Optimized Data Transfers with RISC-V

This is the third in a series of blogs about Domain-specific accelerators (DSAs), which are becoming increasingly common in system-on-chip (SoC) designs. Part #1 addressed the challenges associated with data transfers between DSAs and the core complex, and showed how RISC-V offers a unique opportunity to optimize fine-grain communication between them and improve core-DSA interaction performance. Part #2 addressed the challenges associated with point-to-point ordering between cores and DSA memory, and how RISC-V offers a unique opportunity to optimize high-bandwidth communication between cores and DSAs. This third installment will focus on the challenges associated with data transfers between DSA and memories, such as DDR, LPDDR or HBM, and explain how SoCs based on RISC-V can use an alternate approach to write the data directly to memory.


SiFive - January 30, 2020

Part 1: High-Bandwidth Accelerator Access to Memory: Enabling Optimized Data Transfers with RISC-V

Domain-specific accelerators (DSAs) are becoming increasingly common in system-on-chip (SoC) designs. A DSA provides higher performance per watt by optimizing the specialized function it implements. Examples of DSAs include compression/decompression units, random number generators and network packet processors. A DSA is typically connected to the core complex using a standard IO interconnect, such as an AXI bus (Figure 1).


SiFive - January 27, 2020

With SiFive, We Can Change the World

A Note from Chris Lattner, New SVP of Platform Engineering


SiFive - January 21, 2020

Part 2: High-Bandwidth Core Access to Accelerators: Enabling Optimized Data Transfers with RISC-V

This is the second in a series of blogs about Domain-specific accelerators (DSAs), which are becoming increasingly common in SoCs. Part #1 addressed the challenges associated with data transfers between DSAs and the core complex, and showed how RISC-V offers a unique opportunity to optimize fine-grain communication between them and improve core-DSA interaction performance.


SiFive - January 13, 2020

Part 1: Fast Access to Accelerators: Enabling Optimized Data Transfer with RISC-V
